november 20th, 2023
district governor's message
Christine Burns, District Governor
Christine Burns is the District Governor and a member of the Holyoke Rotary Club which is 106 years old.  She talked about the importance of putting service above all else when it comes to club decisions.  She also reiterated the President of Rotary International, Gordon McInally's message of eliminating the stigma associated with mental health.  McInally lost his only brother to suicide and wants to create hope in the world.  Burns encouraged members to spread his message through Rotary with the simple question, "How are you Really?"
baby needs drive launch
Rotarian, Don Wilson helped kick off the Baby Needs Drive (now in its 28th year).  Major Migdalia from the Salvation Army shared a heartwarming and emotional letter she received from a 10-year-old boy asking if she could help get basic needs for his family.  Major Migdalia said that she would not be able to help all of her families if it weren't for efforts like our club's Baby Needs Drive. 


Rotarian and Past President Brian Cahill is now Papa!  His daughter and son-in-law welcomed identical twin baby girls (Anya and Mila) on November 15th.  Congrats Brian and fam!  See pictures below.
Every year, money is donated to the club from Steve Giamalis' clients with the intention of donating to an organization Rotary is working to help.  This year, the Board voted to put the $2,000 toward the Baby Needs Drive.  Thank you to Steve's clients for this generous donation to such a worthwhile cause. 
Our next meeting is November 27th.  Our guests are from Amplify and will do Narcan Training. This is part of the club's mental health initiative to help stop young kids from spiraling into drug use or potential drug overdose. 
Brian & Traci Cahill
Identical Twins Anya & Mila with Mom!
Upcoming Events
Club Meeting
Manchester Country Club
Nov 27, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Club Meeting
Manchester Country Club
Dec 04, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Manchester Country Club
Dec 04, 2023
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
View entire list
Nov 27, 2023
Narcan training
Dec 18, 2023
Divine Hope Mission
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Bob Drury
November 1
Doug Brown
November 9
Join Date
Bob Drury
November 1, 1971
52 years
Bob Dugger
November 1, 1995
28 years
Dave Canapari
November 1, 1972
51 years
Jay Cofiell
November 1, 1989
34 years
Mark Greer
November 1, 1989
34 years
Steve Hrubala
November 1, 1992
31 years
Wayne Peltzer
November 1, 1981
42 years
Jory Pagliughi
November 2, 2015
8 years
Steve Veronesi
November 2, 2015
8 years
Phil Markuszka
November 15, 2021
2 years
Joe Jaconetta
November 18, 1996
27 years
Tom Delaney
November 20, 2017
6 years
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